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Devil Killer Is Here MiNi Shell

MiNi SheLL

Current Path : /home/vmanager/www/htmltopdf/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/

Linux 9dbcd5f6333d 5.15.0-124-generic #134-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 27 20:20:17 UTC 2024 x86_64
Upload File :
Current File : /home/vmanager/www/htmltopdf/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/HTTPRequest.js

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.InterceptResolutionAction = exports.HTTPRequest = exports.DEFAULT_INTERCEPT_RESOLUTION_PRIORITY = void 0;
const assert_js_1 = require("./assert.js");
const helper_js_1 = require("./helper.js");
 * The default cooperative request interception resolution priority
 * @public
 * Represents an HTTP request sent by a page.
 * @remarks
 * Whenever the page sends a request, such as for a network resource, the
 * following events are emitted by Puppeteer's `page`:
 * - `request`:  emitted when the request is issued by the page.
 * - `requestfinished` - emitted when the response body is downloaded and the
 *   request is complete.
 * If request fails at some point, then instead of `requestfinished` event the
 * `requestfailed` event is emitted.
 * All of these events provide an instance of `HTTPRequest` representing the
 * request that occurred:
 * ```
 * page.on('request', request => ...)
 * ```
 * NOTE: HTTP Error responses, such as 404 or 503, are still successful
 * responses from HTTP standpoint, so request will complete with
 * `requestfinished` event.
 * If request gets a 'redirect' response, the request is successfully finished
 * with the `requestfinished` event, and a new request is issued to a
 * redirected url.
 * @public
class HTTPRequest {
     * @internal
    constructor(client, frame, interceptionId, allowInterception, event, redirectChain) {
         * @internal
        this._failureText = null;
         * @internal
        this._response = null;
         * @internal
        this._fromMemoryCache = false;
        this._interceptionHandled = false;
        this._headers = {};
        this._client = client;
        this._requestId = event.requestId;
        this._isNavigationRequest =
            event.requestId === event.loaderId && event.type === 'Document';
        this._interceptionId = interceptionId;
        this._allowInterception = allowInterception;
        this._url = event.request.url;
        this._resourceType = event.type.toLowerCase();
        this._method = event.request.method;
        this._postData = event.request.postData;
        this._frame = frame;
        this._redirectChain = redirectChain;
        this._continueRequestOverrides = {};
        this._interceptResolutionState = { action: InterceptResolutionAction.None };
        this._interceptHandlers = [];
        this._initiator = event.initiator;
        for (const key of Object.keys(event.request.headers))
            this._headers[key.toLowerCase()] = event.request.headers[key];
     * @returns the URL of the request
    url() {
        return this._url;
     * @returns the `ContinueRequestOverrides` that will be used
     * if the interception is allowed to continue (ie, `abort()` and
     * `respond()` aren't called).
    continueRequestOverrides() {
        (0, assert_js_1.assert)(this._allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!');
        return this._continueRequestOverrides;
     * @returns The `ResponseForRequest` that gets used if the
     * interception is allowed to respond (ie, `abort()` is not called).
    responseForRequest() {
        (0, assert_js_1.assert)(this._allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!');
        return this._responseForRequest;
     * @returns the most recent reason for aborting the request
    abortErrorReason() {
        (0, assert_js_1.assert)(this._allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!');
        return this._abortErrorReason;
     * @returns An InterceptResolutionState object describing the current resolution
     *  action and priority.
     *  InterceptResolutionState contains:
     *    action: InterceptResolutionAction
     *    priority?: number
     *  InterceptResolutionAction is one of: `abort`, `respond`, `continue`,
     *  `disabled`, `none`, or `already-handled`.
    interceptResolutionState() {
        if (!this._allowInterception)
            return { action: InterceptResolutionAction.Disabled };
        if (this._interceptionHandled)
            return { action: InterceptResolutionAction.AlreadyHandled };
        return { ...this._interceptResolutionState };
     * @returns `true` if the intercept resolution has already been handled,
     * `false` otherwise.
    isInterceptResolutionHandled() {
        return this._interceptionHandled;
     * Adds an async request handler to the processing queue.
     * Deferred handlers are not guaranteed to execute in any particular order,
     * but they are guarnateed to resolve before the request interception
     * is finalized.
    enqueueInterceptAction(pendingHandler) {
     * Awaits pending interception handlers and then decides how to fulfill
     * the request interception.
    async finalizeInterceptions() {
        await this._interceptHandlers.reduce((promiseChain, interceptAction) => promiseChain.then(interceptAction), Promise.resolve());
        const { action } = this.interceptResolutionState();
        switch (action) {
            case 'abort':
                return this._abort(this._abortErrorReason);
            case 'respond':
                return this._respond(this._responseForRequest);
            case 'continue':
                return this._continue(this._continueRequestOverrides);
     * Contains the request's resource type as it was perceived by the rendering
     * engine.
    resourceType() {
        return this._resourceType;
     * @returns the method used (`GET`, `POST`, etc.)
    method() {
        return this._method;
     * @returns the request's post body, if any.
    postData() {
        return this._postData;
     * @returns an object with HTTP headers associated with the request. All
     * header names are lower-case.
    headers() {
        return this._headers;
     * @returns A matching `HTTPResponse` object, or null if the response has not
     * been received yet.
    response() {
        return this._response;
     * @returns the frame that initiated the request, or null if navigating to
     * error pages.
    frame() {
        return this._frame;
     * @returns true if the request is the driver of the current frame's navigation.
    isNavigationRequest() {
        return this._isNavigationRequest;
     * @returns the initiator of the request.
    initiator() {
        return this._initiator;
     * A `redirectChain` is a chain of requests initiated to fetch a resource.
     * @remarks
     * `redirectChain` is shared between all the requests of the same chain.
     * For example, if the website `http://example.com` has a single redirect to
     * `https://example.com`, then the chain will contain one request:
     * ```js
     * const response = await page.goto('http://example.com');
     * const chain = response.request().redirectChain();
     * console.log(chain.length); // 1
     * console.log(chain[0].url()); // 'http://example.com'
     * ```
     * If the website `https://google.com` has no redirects, then the chain will be empty:
     * ```js
     * const response = await page.goto('https://google.com');
     * const chain = response.request().redirectChain();
     * console.log(chain.length); // 0
     * ```
     * @returns the chain of requests - if a server responds with at least a
     * single redirect, this chain will contain all requests that were redirected.
    redirectChain() {
        return this._redirectChain.slice();
     * Access information about the request's failure.
     * @remarks
     * @example
     * Example of logging all failed requests:
     * ```js
     * page.on('requestfailed', request => {
     *   console.log(request.url() + ' ' + request.failure().errorText);
     * });
     * ```
     * @returns `null` unless the request failed. If the request fails this can
     * return an object with `errorText` containing a human-readable error
     * message, e.g. `net::ERR_FAILED`. It is not guaranteeded that there will be
     * failure text if the request fails.
    failure() {
        if (!this._failureText)
            return null;
        return {
            errorText: this._failureText,
     * Continues request with optional request overrides.
     * @remarks
     * To use this, request
     * interception should be enabled with {@link Page.setRequestInterception}.
     * Exception is immediately thrown if the request interception is not enabled.
     * @example
     * ```js
     * await page.setRequestInterception(true);
     * page.on('request', request => {
     *   // Override headers
     *   const headers = Object.assign({}, request.headers(), {
     *     foo: 'bar', // set "foo" header
     *     origin: undefined, // remove "origin" header
     *   });
     *   request.continue({headers});
     * });
     * ```
     * @param overrides - optional overrides to apply to the request.
     * @param priority - If provided, intercept is resolved using
     * cooperative handling rules. Otherwise, intercept is resolved
     * immediately.
    async continue(overrides = {}, priority) {
        // Request interception is not supported for data: urls.
        if (this._url.startsWith('data:'))
        (0, assert_js_1.assert)(this._allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!');
        (0, assert_js_1.assert)(!this._interceptionHandled, 'Request is already handled!');
        if (priority === undefined) {
            return this._continue(overrides);
        this._continueRequestOverrides = overrides;
        if (priority > this._interceptResolutionState.priority ||
            this._interceptResolutionState.priority === undefined) {
            this._interceptResolutionState = {
                action: InterceptResolutionAction.Continue,
        if (priority === this._interceptResolutionState.priority) {
            if (this._interceptResolutionState.action === 'abort' ||
                this._interceptResolutionState.action === 'respond') {
            this._interceptResolutionState.action =
    async _continue(overrides = {}) {
        const { url, method, postData, headers } = overrides;
        this._interceptionHandled = true;
        const postDataBinaryBase64 = postData
            ? Buffer.from(postData).toString('base64')
            : undefined;
        await this._client
            .send('Fetch.continueRequest', {
            requestId: this._interceptionId,
            postData: postDataBinaryBase64,
            headers: headers ? headersArray(headers) : undefined,
            .catch((error) => {
            this._interceptionHandled = false;
            return handleError(error);
     * Fulfills a request with the given response.
     * @remarks
     * To use this, request
     * interception should be enabled with {@link Page.setRequestInterception}.
     * Exception is immediately thrown if the request interception is not enabled.
     * @example
     * An example of fulfilling all requests with 404 responses:
     * ```js
     * await page.setRequestInterception(true);
     * page.on('request', request => {
     *   request.respond({
     *     status: 404,
     *     contentType: 'text/plain',
     *     body: 'Not Found!'
     *   });
     * });
     * ```
     * NOTE: Mocking responses for dataURL requests is not supported.
     * Calling `request.respond` for a dataURL request is a noop.
     * @param response - the response to fulfill the request with.
     * @param priority - If provided, intercept is resolved using
     * cooperative handling rules. Otherwise, intercept is resolved
     * immediately.
    async respond(response, priority) {
        // Mocking responses for dataURL requests is not currently supported.
        if (this._url.startsWith('data:'))
        (0, assert_js_1.assert)(this._allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!');
        (0, assert_js_1.assert)(!this._interceptionHandled, 'Request is already handled!');
        if (priority === undefined) {
            return this._respond(response);
        this._responseForRequest = response;
        if (priority > this._interceptResolutionState.priority ||
            this._interceptResolutionState.priority === undefined) {
            this._interceptResolutionState = {
                action: InterceptResolutionAction.Respond,
        if (priority === this._interceptResolutionState.priority) {
            if (this._interceptResolutionState.action === 'abort') {
            this._interceptResolutionState.action = InterceptResolutionAction.Respond;
    async _respond(response) {
        this._interceptionHandled = true;
        const responseBody = response.body && helper_js_1.helper.isString(response.body)
            ? Buffer.from(response.body)
            : response.body || null;
        const responseHeaders = {};
        if (response.headers) {
            for (const header of Object.keys(response.headers))
                responseHeaders[header.toLowerCase()] = String(response.headers[header]);
        if (response.contentType)
            responseHeaders['content-type'] = response.contentType;
        if (responseBody && !('content-length' in responseHeaders))
            responseHeaders['content-length'] = String(Buffer.byteLength(responseBody));
        await this._client
            .send('Fetch.fulfillRequest', {
            requestId: this._interceptionId,
            responseCode: response.status || 200,
            responsePhrase: STATUS_TEXTS[response.status || 200],
            responseHeaders: headersArray(responseHeaders),
            body: responseBody ? responseBody.toString('base64') : undefined,
            .catch((error) => {
            this._interceptionHandled = false;
            return handleError(error);
     * Aborts a request.
     * @remarks
     * To use this, request interception should be enabled with
     * {@link Page.setRequestInterception}. If it is not enabled, this method will
     * throw an exception immediately.
     * @param errorCode - optional error code to provide.
     * @param priority - If provided, intercept is resolved using
     * cooperative handling rules. Otherwise, intercept is resolved
     * immediately.
    async abort(errorCode = 'failed', priority) {
        // Request interception is not supported for data: urls.
        if (this._url.startsWith('data:'))
        const errorReason = errorReasons[errorCode];
        (0, assert_js_1.assert)(errorReason, 'Unknown error code: ' + errorCode);
        (0, assert_js_1.assert)(this._allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!');
        (0, assert_js_1.assert)(!this._interceptionHandled, 'Request is already handled!');
        if (priority === undefined) {
            return this._abort(errorReason);
        this._abortErrorReason = errorReason;
        if (priority >= this._interceptResolutionState.priority ||
            this._interceptResolutionState.priority === undefined) {
            this._interceptResolutionState = {
                action: InterceptResolutionAction.Abort,
    async _abort(errorReason) {
        this._interceptionHandled = true;
        await this._client
            .send('Fetch.failRequest', {
            requestId: this._interceptionId,
exports.HTTPRequest = HTTPRequest;
 * @public
var InterceptResolutionAction;
(function (InterceptResolutionAction) {
    InterceptResolutionAction["Abort"] = "abort";
    InterceptResolutionAction["Respond"] = "respond";
    InterceptResolutionAction["Continue"] = "continue";
    InterceptResolutionAction["Disabled"] = "disabled";
    InterceptResolutionAction["None"] = "none";
    InterceptResolutionAction["AlreadyHandled"] = "already-handled";
})(InterceptResolutionAction = exports.InterceptResolutionAction || (exports.InterceptResolutionAction = {}));
const errorReasons = {
    aborted: 'Aborted',
    accessdenied: 'AccessDenied',
    addressunreachable: 'AddressUnreachable',
    blockedbyclient: 'BlockedByClient',
    blockedbyresponse: 'BlockedByResponse',
    connectionaborted: 'ConnectionAborted',
    connectionclosed: 'ConnectionClosed',
    connectionfailed: 'ConnectionFailed',
    connectionrefused: 'ConnectionRefused',
    connectionreset: 'ConnectionReset',
    internetdisconnected: 'InternetDisconnected',
    namenotresolved: 'NameNotResolved',
    timedout: 'TimedOut',
    failed: 'Failed',
function headersArray(headers) {
    const result = [];
    for (const name in headers) {
        if (!Object.is(headers[name], undefined))
            result.push({ name, value: headers[name] + '' });
    return result;
async function handleError(error) {
    if (['Invalid header'].includes(error.originalMessage)) {
        throw error;
    // In certain cases, protocol will return error if the request was
    // already canceled or the page was closed. We should tolerate these
    // errors.
    (0, helper_js_1.debugError)(error);
// List taken from
// https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xhtml
// with extra 306 and 418 codes.
const STATUS_TEXTS = {
    '100': 'Continue',
    '101': 'Switching Protocols',
    '102': 'Processing',
    '103': 'Early Hints',
    '200': 'OK',
    '201': 'Created',
    '202': 'Accepted',
    '203': 'Non-Authoritative Information',
    '204': 'No Content',
    '205': 'Reset Content',
    '206': 'Partial Content',
    '207': 'Multi-Status',
    '208': 'Already Reported',
    '226': 'IM Used',
    '300': 'Multiple Choices',
    '301': 'Moved Permanently',
    '302': 'Found',
    '303': 'See Other',
    '304': 'Not Modified',
    '305': 'Use Proxy',
    '306': 'Switch Proxy',
    '307': 'Temporary Redirect',
    '308': 'Permanent Redirect',
    '400': 'Bad Request',
    '401': 'Unauthorized',
    '402': 'Payment Required',
    '403': 'Forbidden',
    '404': 'Not Found',
    '405': 'Method Not Allowed',
    '406': 'Not Acceptable',
    '407': 'Proxy Authentication Required',
    '408': 'Request Timeout',
    '409': 'Conflict',
    '410': 'Gone',
    '411': 'Length Required',
    '412': 'Precondition Failed',
    '413': 'Payload Too Large',
    '414': 'URI Too Long',
    '415': 'Unsupported Media Type',
    '416': 'Range Not Satisfiable',
    '417': 'Expectation Failed',
    '418': "I'm a teapot",
    '421': 'Misdirected Request',
    '422': 'Unprocessable Entity',
    '423': 'Locked',
    '424': 'Failed Dependency',
    '425': 'Too Early',
    '426': 'Upgrade Required',
    '428': 'Precondition Required',
    '429': 'Too Many Requests',
    '431': 'Request Header Fields Too Large',
    '451': 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons',
    '500': 'Internal Server Error',
    '501': 'Not Implemented',
    '502': 'Bad Gateway',
    '503': 'Service Unavailable',
    '504': 'Gateway Timeout',
    '505': 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
    '506': 'Variant Also Negotiates',
    '507': 'Insufficient Storage',
    '508': 'Loop Detected',
    '510': 'Not Extended',
    '511': 'Network Authentication Required',
//# sourceMappingURL=HTTPRequest.js.map

Creat By MiNi SheLL
Email: jattceo@gmail.com